
Here are my personal 15 reasons for travelling in South East Asia

1) The sun is shining and it is always warm; so I can swim in the sea any time of the year. 2) There is shelter for everyone – from exclusive luxury resorts to simple backpacker accommodation. 3)There are wonderful natural environments to enjoy and study; from beaches to tropical forests, volcanoes and underwater reefs.        4) It is one of the safest regions in the world; especially for women traveling alone. And for single women who travel with children.         5)  Travelling in South East Asia  is inexpensive; for 8-10 Euros / night you will get a nice double room with a private bath and sometimes even with a breakfast included! 6) Great food including a wide variety of fresh fruit.  Read more…

What does a trip around the world cost?

"How I finance our travel life" - that is the most popular question. And my answer is: one don't need to be rich to travel around the world! During all years on the way, we haven't met a single millionaire who was travelling around the world. But we met a lot of travelers with a very small budget. If you are planing a trip around the world and know how to handle your finances carefully, your trip can be a real saving! For example in our case - a month of travel costs me (for both of us) only 1/3 of the budget that we needed each month for our settled life in Berlin! For example, our trip around the world 2017-2018 (some expensive countries like Australia and New Zealand included) cost me exactly 12 Euros per person per day. Absolutely all our costs were included in this budget: all flights, health insurance, running costs in Germany (such as storage rent, web hosting fees, etc.), including technical equipment if something was broken on the way. We never sle...

250 days on the Road - an adventure Travel film by Anna Becker and Svetlana Bogdanova

I left behind our comfortable lifestyle in Berlin to try a different life. I no longer wanted to live according to the schedule that others established for me, did not want to meet social standards and other people’s expectations. I wanted to experience an absolute freedom and see how I could manage it. I did not plan anything in advance and did not know where to go and how long we would be on the way. As a result, Anna and I spent 250 days in different parts of Southeast Asia. This was one of the most significant periods in our life. For each of us individually and for the two of us as a team, as a family. Anna and I created this  travel documentary film  together from the beginning to the end. It took us a lot of time, since we worked on the way (we were making the film on the way). I edited it at airports, on playgrounds, in parks, in hotels … even on the days when we had no table, no chair, no electricity. It was very important for me to finish it. And finally, ...

5 Tips for Travelling with children

I am traveling with my daughter Anna for more than 3 years long. We started when Anna was 8 years old. Here my 5 tips for traveling with older children, let's say 7+. 1. Involve your kids in planning the route and the program. Let them help you. They can start with small simple tasks - watch your bags, fill the forms for hotel check-in and registration cards, order food, call reception if some advice or help is needed... (My daughter Anna learned English this way - managing small things for us). Trust your kids, and their self-confidence comes from these small successes. 2. Don’t Overpack! We need much less than we think we need. Helping your kids embrace minimalism on travels promotes being grateful for little things in life. Your children will learn to entertain themselves and to be happy with less. We both travel light with hand-luggage only. This allows me to buy cheap plane flights, get on and off transport easily, move quickly when needed and not have to g...

How to make perfect travel films

Anyone can film their travel – the billions of long stretches of trash on YouTube demonstrate that. Need to make a film that individuals need to watch? Here is the secret.   My daughter Anna and I have documented our travels in many travel films . We know what it takes to make such films. We have traveled to 18 countries and documented our journey. Our films will not only entice you to visit those places but will also give you firsthand information about those places. So, let us have a look at how to make the best travel documentary like that at,  which we have made.   Foremost– for what reason do it? Making a film gives you an enduring record of your outing. Movies catch sounds just as sights and alternately give bits of knowledge to written records. Additionally, with such a significant number of approaches to share encounters, movies can likewise rouse others to emulate your example.   Making a no...

A new travel documentary by Anna Becker and Svetlana Bog danova

We both, Anna and me are happy and proud to announce, that the first part of our travel documentary “Anna, Asia and Me. 250 Days on the Road” is ready! We already screened the film in a cinema in Berlin and in September 2019 we both are going on a film tour in Germany and will screen our travel documentary in many German cities! Me, Svetlana Bogdanova, and my 8-year-old daughter Anna gave up our comfortable life in Berlin, sold the most of our household and started our long trip across the South-East Asia. We took only the really necessary things – we travel with hand luggage only. And with one-way tickets to stay flexible and free! We were travelling for 250 days, just two of us. We left the beaten tracks and immersed ourselves into the local life, discovered the culture and everyday life of each country and made new friends. In the first part of our travel documentary film we explore Malaysia and move through Indonesian islands. In the second and in the third part ...

It was my dream – to travel around the World and to produce travel documentaries!

I studied Directing of Media Programs in Russia, visited film making classes and worked in a public TV channel in Germany… and was waiting until my daughter Anna grows up little bit and we both will be able to start our first epic mother-daughter trip ! At the age of 8 Anna asked me, when we finally going to start our trip. She was ready to hit the road. I gave up our apartment in Berlin, sold the car and some other household stuff and packed two backpacks. From this moment I started to live my dream – the dream to be free from the social pressure, to go where I want to go, to discover the world the way I want, to share our experiences with others, to capture our travels and to produce travel documentary films. To continue reading click on...