What does a trip around the world cost?

"How I finance our travel life" - that is the most popular question. And my answer is: one don't need to be rich to travel around the world! During all years on the way, we haven't met a single millionaire who was travelling around the world. But we met a lot of travelers with a very small budget.

If you are planing a trip around the world and know how to handle your finances carefully, your trip can be a real saving! For example in our case - a month of travel costs me (for both of us) only 1/3 of the budget that we needed each month for our settled life in Berlin! For example, our trip around the world 2017-2018 (some expensive countries like Australia and New Zealand included) cost me exactly 12 Euros per person per day. Absolutely all our costs were included in this budget: all flights, health insurance, running costs in Germany (such as storage rent, web hosting fees, etc.), including technical equipment if something was broken on the way. We never slept in hostels, had decent private accommodation, enjoyed our life and missed nothing. (If you stay in hostels, even the half budget is enough.). Visit for more details...


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