What does a trip around the world cost?

"How I finance our travel life" - that is the most popular question. And my answer is: one don't need to be rich to travel around the world! During all years on the way, we haven't met a single millionaire who was travelling around the world. But we met a lot of travelers with a very small budget. If you are planing a trip around the world and know how to handle your finances carefully, your trip can be a real saving! For example in our case - a month of travel costs me (for both of us) only 1/3 of the budget that we needed each month for our settled life in Berlin! For example, our trip around the world 2017-2018 (some expensive countries like Australia and New Zealand included) cost me exactly 12 Euros per person per day. Absolutely all our costs were included in this budget: all flights, health insurance, running costs in Germany (such as storage rent, web hosting fees, etc.), including technical equipment if something was broken on the way. We never sle...