A new travel documentary by Anna Becker and Svetlana Bog danova

We both, Anna and me are happy and proud to announce, that the first part of our travel documentary “Anna, Asia and Me. 250 Days on the Road” is ready! We already screened the film in a cinema in Berlin and in September 2019 we both are going on a film tour in Germany and will screen our travel documentary in many German cities! Me, Svetlana Bogdanova, and my 8-year-old daughter Anna gave up our comfortable life in Berlin, sold the most of our household and started our long trip across the South-East Asia. We took only the really necessary things – we travel with hand luggage only. And with one-way tickets to stay flexible and free! We were travelling for 250 days, just two of us. We left the beaten tracks and immersed ourselves into the local life, discovered the culture and everyday life of each country and made new friends. In the first part of our travel documentary film we explore Malaysia and move through Indonesian islands. In the second and in the third part ...